Margarine, fats and oils

For decades, we have been supporting the industrial use of margarines and fats in various branches of the food industry.
It is important to continually adapt the products to the evolving technical conditions. Every industry has specific requirements, which we deal with individually . Our multi-faceted product range is tailored to your needs.

It is important to us not only to offer you the best functionality in our products,
but also to package them optimally for your processing .

Pastry and confectioneryMeat industryFish & DelicatessenSpice mix


Pastry and confectionery

Sweet taste experiences for special moments of pleasure!

For the production of all fine bakery products and confectionery, we offer a wide range of special margarines and fats, which are tailored directly to the final product.


Product variants

drawing margarine

  • Ziehmargarine Clean Label
  • Ziehmargarine in organic quality
  • Ziehmargarine as 2 kg plate, 5 kg bar, 10 kg bar, cut and uncut
  • Ziehmargarine in MB und SG quality*
  • Ziehmargarine without color without flavor
  • Melange Ziehmargarine with 10%, 15% und 35% butter content
  • Ziehmargarine with butter flavor
  • Soft pulling garlic
  • Danish margarine

Back margarine

  • Backmargarine Clean Label
  • Backmargarine in organic quality
  • Backmargarine als 2.5 kg, 5 kg und 10 kg bar, cut + uncut, 10 kg, 20 kg und 25 kg block
  • Backmargarine in MB und SG quality*
  • Backmargarine without color without flavor
  • Backmargarine with butter flavor
  • Special pasta margarine for short pastries, yeast doughs, lugs, waffles, etc.

cream margarine

  • Crememargarine 2.5 kg und 5 kg bar, 10 kg und 20 kg block
  • Crememargarine without color
  • Crememargarine in MB*
  • Crememargarine in different flavors



* Segregation - At each stage along the supply chain, certified palm oil should remain separate from non-certified. In this case, the final product would actually only contain certified palm oil, which however may come from different certified sources.
Mass Balance - A specific mix ratio of certified and non-certified palm oil along the supply chain to the final product is to be ensured.

In the meat industry at home

Give the everyday a special touch!

For refining and further processing your meat, we offer high-quality special greases and oils, tailored to the respective process.


Product variants

High-quality special greases and oils

  • Cutter fat in MB quality*
  • Fleischer Gold in MB Quality*
  • Boiling grease 2,5 kg bar, 10 kg block, semi-liquid in MB and SG quality*
  • frying oil

* Segregation - At each stage along the supply chain, certified palm oil should remain separate from non-certified. In this case, the final product would actually only contain certified palm oil, which however may come from different certified sources.
Mass Balance – A specific mix ratio of certified and non-certified palm oil along the supply chain to the final product is to be ensured.


Fish & Delicatessen

The little things make the big difference!

Whether for fish specialties, antipasti or vegetable specialties: our fats and oils provide a special basis for your products.


Product variants

The special basis

  • Plant margarine 10 kg and 20 kg block
  • Boiling grease 2,5 kg bar, 10 kg block, semi-liquid in MB and SG quality*
  • Plant creams (liquid margarine)
  • Schmelzfix (butter substitute fat)
  • Sunflower oil
  • vegetable oil
  • coconut oil

* Segregation - At each stage along the supply chain, certified palm oil should remain separate from non-certified. In this case, the final product would actually only contain certified palm oil, which however may come from different certified sources.
Mass Balance – A specific mix ratio of certified and non-certified palm oil along the supply chain to the final product is to be ensured.

For the uniqueness of each spice mix

The best flavors for the uniqueness of every spice mixture!

Our specially developed fat mixtures are the ideal basis for spice creations of all kinds. We also carry a wide range of high-quality oils in the 10 L and 20 L buckets,
170 L barrel, 500 L and 750 L containers or as a tanker.


Product variants

The best fancier

  • marinade fat
  • Bio-fat mixtures
  • Grill oil

We will be glad to help you

Do you have any questions about our products or would you like an individual consultation on your application? We would be glad to help you personally!

